
上海安亭洛浦路45號 400-820-8326


SG40A construct in PuDong century avenue


In May, 2009, all projects of 2010 Shanghai Expo have been in the last stage. Recently, Our SG40A has successfully constructed in PuDong century avenue project. It received the praise from the general contractor and machine user.


This project is a complicated one, located in Pudong district, it includes 2 buildings of parking lot (33 floors overground and 4 floors underground ), covering 200000 m2. The geological conditions are complicated, 0-20m is fill in soil, 20-28m is fine clay, 28-38 is fine arenaceous sand, 38-66m is fine sand. The wall is 1.2m width and 52m depth.

 Considering the construction difficulty for this project and lower efficiency if dig directly, so the worker use the “two drills and one dig” method to dig the wall according to the experience. In the starting stage, the contractor use the famous German brand machine to dig the wall, but it performs not good, it would have to finish a 6m length wall in 2 or 3 days. In the Feb of this year, our Jintai SG40A entered the jobsite, and finished a wall with 26 hours and lower 3‰precision. After successfully finished some walls , this machine SG40A got the praise from the user and contractor with lower cost, easy maintenance, and high efficiency, so the contractor introduced one SG40A again and let the foreign brand wall machines out of the jobsite.

Till now, SG40A have worked in the jobsite for 3 months, they have worked very well and impressed the user very much. We are proud that our SG40A have provide the good service to the Expo projects and ensure the project to be finished in time. These machines have left us a glorious time for the expo projects.

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